Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Help me help you

So, you have contacted me, received an initial email and checked out my website, prices and sessions and decided to give me the honour of taking your photos - be it maternity, newborn or baby (thank you!).

You let me know and I respond with another email, this time containing the information you need to know before the session;

  • my studio policy / contract
  • a prep sheet which explains how the session will run
  • your invoice for the session charge (which must be paid to secure your booking)
  • a booking questionnaire with basic details - name, phone number etc.
  • and finally I request "please send me a few images that you love, images you would like to hang in your house, images that reflect your family, you can do this by email, Facebook message or by sending me a link to a Pinterest board".
This last point is the one I want to talk about today, a picture really does speak a thousand words, and a couple of pictures can speak volumes about the colours, style and personality of your family and lifestyle.

Some clients like to have a conversation by phone before their session, others are too busy for a phone call during the day, but are happy to send a few photos through at a time that suits them.
This makes all the difference when I am planning your session, I can refer to my notes and see at a glance " loves pink" or "no green", "wants to use the nest" or "most important to try to get baby in the cocoon pose".

The cocoon pose (please note this is a composite image, hands were on the baby at all times)

Time is precious during a  shoot, and parents don't know the names photographers use for different poses, but by showing me a few images and fill out the questionnaire, and I can cut straight through to figure out what you want (and what you don't want) what are the must have shots and the "please don't use" colours.  I want you to love everything about your photos, and to feel that you had input into the creative decisions. This is your family, your dream and your money. Help me to help you to get art you will treasure forever.